The Monkey King is a highly mobile physical damage focused hero with short cooldowns. He excels in darting and out of battle while minimizing damage dealt to himself by swiftly and constantly moving.
DAMAGE: 47-53
MANA: 234
ARMOR: 4.9
STRENGTH: 19 ( +2 )
AGILITY: 20 ( +3 )
RANGE: 128
Dash forward, dealing 10/20/30/40 Attack Damage to enemies on impact. If Monkey King impacts an enemy, he will perform a second dash after 2 seconds or by manual activation.
Vault over a unit, jumping 300 distance in front of it (distance doubled if building) while pushing it back and inflicting Vaulted if it is an enemy. Enemies at your landing point are also inflicted with Vaulted. The first application of Vaulted will inflict 100/150/200/250 Physical Damage and 20/40/60/80 % Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds. Additional applications will inflict half of the previous application.
Slam the ground in front of you, raising a small rock. Nearby enemies will be launched into the air for .5 seconds and take 60/90/120/150 Magic Damage. After 2 seconds, the rock implodes, again launching nearby enemies into the air and dealing the same damage. You may Heavenly Vault on the rock as if it were a building.
Non-Combat mount. When not taking damage for 5 seconds, passively jump upon your trusty Flying Nimbus, granting 10/15/20% bonus Movement Speed. Dissipates and goes on cooldown when you take damage. Passively decreases the cooldown of your abilities by .5/.75/1 second every time you use an ability.
{Skill Build}

{Early item}
Mid lane? Logger Hatchet first to farm Bottle.
After a while, you should able to buy Bottle.
Bottle will be the Core item till the end of the game ( if it finish soon ), next u will need Ghost Marcher to catch your enemy faster even you dont get Flying Nimbus ( skil 4 / ultimate skill ).
{Mid Game item}
Soon, after mobile and ganking the whole map, you sure have some money to save to buy Firebrand, This item provide more agility and Movement Speed without Flying Nimbus. Soon buy Assasin Shroud, Sol's Bulwark, and Shieldbreaker. Assasin Shroud here act as your survivability item, Sol's Bulwark and Shieldbreaker here act as your damage item remember that all of Monkey King skills are Physical Damage, these 2 items make your hit and skill optimized.
{Luxury item}
Late game, upgrade shroud,bulwark,firebrand become Genjuro,Daemonic Breastplate, Geometer Bane or Searing Light. This item make sure your damage output become higher and of course more -armor and easy kill combo. Start with Genjuro - Hit - Vault - Dash - Vault - Dash - Slam - Hit Hit till die. These item make sure enemy hero lose 10++ armor.
Monkey King is mobile melee ganker with fast cooldown skill and high damage output, make sure your allies take care about your HP and MP for fast killing without lacking of MP.

Nymphora, HP, MP, stun, what more? feel free to spam your skill even to creep.
More -Armor? Yeah, Pestilence and Deadwood will be best friend for MK, more -armor, stun , true sight ( pestilence swarm ), insta kill ( deadwood willowmaker ).
Every hero hate Stunner and Disabler ( maybe they're the same ), but Monkey King worst enemy are
Dampeer and Gauntlet, why? remember they got 1 combo to death? See them in minimap when you're alone ? You better run...
Emerald and Dark Lady, short cooldown huh? Silence make u do nothing when clash with your team...
HoN(Heroes of Newert) is a game based on some basic criterias such as,
- Coorperation with teammate.
- Kill enemy ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
- Intelligence
- Durability
- No Coorperation No Win. Play solo means lose.
- Meet enemy in the map? You know what should you do, Kill them ASAP
- Early game? middle game? all the time use your ability to Harm Enemy dont let them "fat".
- Got ganked? Juking, and some trick can be performed to make sure you alive.
bual kau jk
BalasHapuspls this is international game, use international language too.